Thursday, March 13, 2014

~~This was the second Chapbook that I wrote & published when I first began writing. A minister encouraged me to continue writing poetry & so I began writing a book of Poetry. When completed, I decided to self-publish. On my next visit, I will discuss that book & how much I enjoyed writing it. Your first book Published, which to me wasn't really my Chapbooks, was such a good feeling of achievement, encouraging me to continue writing. I can't express how much enjoyment writers absorb & the feeling we get when a new book is born is incredible.

~~First I'd like to wish everyone the Best in 2014. What I can't believe is that it came so fast.

My First book was a Chapbook~(Inspirations) which is when I began writing so much poetry & enjoying it as NovlHeart on an AOL writing website many moons ago.

After devoting 30 years to Nursing, I moved from NY to AZ in 1995, where I began writing. I had 6 books Published & also enjoy very much Promoting my fellow authors. 

When I'm not Promoting or Publishing my Reviews on Amazon & Barnes & Noble & other sites, I will stop by here more often to include info on my writing, from the past to the present. Happy writing to all. I wish you all much Success!